1 February 2022

EU Nonrenewal Regulation Decision for Phosmet Published

HARPENDEN, England, January 25th, 2022 – Today, the European Commission published the Implementing Regulation withdrawing the approval of the active substance Phosmet. A majority of EU Member States had voted in favor of this step. The non-approval decision for the active substance Phosmet will enter into force on February 1st, 2022. Member States will have to withdraw the registrations of plant protection products containing Phosmet by May 1st, 2022. The grace period for selling and using plant protection products containing Phosmet will expire on November 1st, 2022.

The current Maximum Residue Levels for Phosmet remain valid for the time being. According to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, EFSA just initiated a review of the existing EU MRLs that the RMS-Spain will conduct. According to EFSA, the reasoned opinion and MRLs adoption are expected by January 2023.

“This is a bad day for EU farmers, who will be deprived of an important crop production tool” said Olivier Deneufbourg, Director of Gowan Crop Protection. ” Gowan has extensive scientific data that demonstrated Phosmet, when used according to the label directions, does not pose an unacceptable risk to humans and the environment, and we have made every effort to prove this throughout the renewal process. We are disappointed that despite the science, the EU Commission decided not to renew this active substance. “ Deneufbourg continued.

Gowan will continue to support Phosmet registrations in many countries outside the EU, where it remains an important tool to produce safe and nutritious food. The unique attributes of this insecticide around spectrum of insect control and fit in grower IPM (Integrated Pest Management) programs maximizes crop yield and quality.

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